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Eurasier Rescue

The history given here consists of two parts. First, a descriptive overview is given, then a photo history that follows the Eurasier's sequential development in pictures.

An Overview of the History of the Eurasier

The Eurasier is a relatively new Spitz-type dog breed originating in Germany. 

In the 1950’s, in Weinheim an der Bergstrasse, the Wipfel family, Julius and Elfriede, conceived the original concept of creating an ideal family-oriented breed of dog.

While Julius Wipfel is the "father of the Eurasier," he had many collaborators and enthusiasts, such as Charlotte Baldamus, who all worked to help make this dream become a reality. In 1960, Wipfel clearly defined his goal in creating this new breed of dog. His aim was to create a large Spitz-type family dog, one that commanded respect but which also had a calm and even-tempered nature; and it was to be attractive, with beautiful and varied color coats. The new breed was to be adaptable and suitable to different family lifestyles, from city life to rural life. It took Wipfel and his many associates decades, but they accomplished their goal: creation of the family-friendly Eurasier.

After some debate amongst the leading Wolf-Chow enthusiasts, Wipfel chose the Samoyed, which was introduced in 1972. Nobel prize winner Konrad Lorenz, who acquired his first Wolf-Chow in 1972, helped further popularize the breed. It was recognized by the German Kennel Club (VDH) and the FCI in 1973, and was renamed Eurasier.

There are now about 8 thousand Eurasiers around the globe, mostly in Europe, and primarily in Germany, the country of origin. The Eurasier has been recognized by the international dog club, the FCI  (Federation Cynologique International) since 1973. All of the 79 countries that are members of the FCI recognize the Eurasier and many of those, especially those in Europe, have national Eurasier clubs.  There are an unprecedented 3-national Eurasier clubs in Germany: the EKW, the ZG (Zuchtgemeinschaft fuer Eurasier) and the KZG (Kynologische Zuchtgemeinschaft).

In the U.S.A. and Canada there are approximately 500 Eurasiers. The Canadian Kennel Club, which officially recognized the Eurasier in June 1995, is the only national dog club in North American that recognizes the Eurasier. The North American Eurasier Committee (NAEC) members have formally established national Eurasier clubs in each country.

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