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Frequently Asked Questions

How or where can I get a Eurasier?
There are currently less than 10 Eurasier breeders in North America. Most, but not all of them, are reputable. Do Internet searches, talk to several breeders, get references from homes that have their pups, talk to other Eurasier owners and take your time on making a decision—you will find you typically have to wait to add a Eurasier to your family—“all good things come in time.” (The NAEC cannot recommend specific breeders yet.)

What type of home and family life do they best fit into?
Eurasiers are very adaptable. They fit into all types of families and lifestyles. They are fine in apartments of sufficient size, in single-dwelling homes, on farms or ranches. They fit where we fit.

Are they a good family dog?
The Eurasier was developed to be the ideal family dog and they are. Eurasiers love to be with their family, no matter what their family is doing. Eurasiers learn to fit into all family activities.

Are Eurasiers good with children?
Eurasiers are generally very tolerant, gentle and affectionate, and their actions change according to who they are interacting with. With babies, small children and the elderly, they are gentle. With older children and adults, Eurasiers love to play, chase, wrestle and roughhouse. As with all animals, children should not be left alone with any pet and should be taught to treat them with kindness and respect.

Is the Eurasier a dog that is only focused on one family member?
The Eurasier is focused on its entire family, even its extended family and those it knows as friends. It is not a "one person dog" but is social and gets along well with all people it knows.

Are Eurasiers good with cats and other small animals?
Yes. Eurasiers are charmers and generally get along well with domesticated pets. They will chase what runs because they love a good game of chase, so introduce Eurasiers to other family pets where a game of chase doesn’t ensue.

Are Eurasiers good with other dogs?
Yes. Eurasiers are generally good with other dogs, especially those that love to play too.

How are they as house dogs?
They are not usually destructive and do not tend to damage the household or its goods. Eurasiers can be active but they are careful and will try to avoid knocking, moving, breaking or even messing things up. However, that doesn’t include their toys or, when pups, fine lingerie, socks and an occasional shoe.

What is their general temperament like?
Eurasiers are calm, even tempered, poised, and confident; and they command respect. Although they are basically non-aggressive, good-natured and friendly, they can be reserved toward strangers. They are especially good-natured with children, loyal to their family, willing to please, and easy to train. They are intelligent, gentle, loving, and very playful but they are also independent and able to entertain themselves with play, sleep and watchfulness over their home and property. The Eurasier is a sensitive dog that does not require harsh reprisals, rather, gentle affection, love and understanding provide its incentive to learn. The Eurasier is a very social dog that must be included as part of the family. For its character to best develop, this breed should not be isolated from its family, and must not be kept in the back yard, kenneled or otherwise separated from the family.

Which is easier to handle, a male or a female?
Males and females are very similar in most respects but, as in all species, there are differences between males and females in their temperaments. For Eurasiers, those gender differences are so subtle that the differences between two individuals (even female/female or male/male) may be greater than the male/female differences. However, in general, males tend to mature more slowly than females so training may go more slowly, and males may be a little more willful and challenging. 

Are they playful?
Yes, they enjoy their own physical abilities, they are agile, love to chase and be chased, and enjoy play with people, other dogs, toys and all sorts of physical fun. They don’t typically enjoy tedious retrieving games.

Are they aggressive?
No, they are generally non-aggressive and avoid conflicts. Yet, during play, they can be very physical, rough, and appear aggressive to the uninitiated.

Are Eurasiers good watchdogs/guard dogs?
The Eurasier makes an excellent watchdog but is not a good guard dog. They are naturally protective and watchful over their property, and will bark and challenge strangers but their challenge is not backed by any real aggression and they will not attack.

Does the Eurasier have bad qualities? What are they?
The Eurasier is a sloppy water drinker—expect water on the floor around their water bowl. Eurasiers are very sensitive to their family’s tone and situations and you must always keep that in mind. They can be finicky eaters too.

What are their exercise requirements?
Eurasiers should have a good walk, active play with other dogs, or some usual daily physical activity to keep them healthy and well satisfied.  An off-leash walk is preferred once trained and reliable to recall.

Do they eat a lot?
No. Generally, for their size, Eurasiers are relatively light eaters, and can seem to be picky or reluctant to eat. They eat in a controlled manner, not typically subject to overeating, and take food by hand in a very delicate manner—they are soft-mouthed.

Is this breed high maintenance?  Is it difficult to take care of them, especially their coat?
Considering the beauty and richness of their coat, they are relatively low maintenance. A once-a-week combing with body checks for burrs or pests, a daily cleaning of their eyes, ears and a check of their pads, occasional nail clippings if they are not active (especially their dewclaws) is all that is needed to keep them clean, and generally healthy. They have little body odor and require infrequent bathing, perhaps one bath per year or less.

Do they constantly shed hair or how often do they shed?
Typically Eurasiers shed their undercoat once or twice a year for a period of about 3 weeks. During undercoat shedding periods, daily combings are required to minimize picking up “wool” balls from around the house. Otherwise, the weekly combings are sufficient to keep their coats nice and minimize hair loss around the house.

How do they do in hot weather?
They prefer slightly cooler temperatures than we do but they manage just fine in hot weather. In hot and humid weather, they do find nice, cool locations to be the most comfortable just as we do: shade, cool tile, and well ventilated or breezy spots.

Do they like water, like to swim?
They are capable swimmers. Some enjoy playing in water and swimming and some do not. This is an individual’s choice and is dependent on their experience and what you expose them to. They are not water dogs per se but they are not anti-water dogs either.

Do they bark a lot?
Generally, they will bark for a reason but are not incessant barkers.

Do all Eurasiers have black tongues?
No. The Eurasier may have a pink, a blue-black or a speckled pink and blue-black tongue.

What will happen if I leave the puppy/dog for a few hours?
While you can leave a puppy or an older Eurasier by itself for a few hours as is sometimes necessary, this should not be a routine practice. Arrangements should be made to ensure the puppy is protected from dangers in the home (use a crate for this purpose, as long as the pup is not left too long, since at a young age they must relieve themselves regularly). While an older Eurasier is capable and independent, the older Eurasier’s protection should also be assured and arrangements made for them to be checked after a few hours.

How is their general health?
Eurasiers were bred to be a robust and sturdy breed. In general, they are a healthy breed. Breeding is subject to thorough testing for a few health conditions that this breed tends towards so that those health problems are minimized.

Which hereditary diseases can Eurasiers have?
Hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, patella luxation and distichiasis, an eye condition, are breed health problem tendencies that are minimized by thorough testing of both the bitch and the dog. Reputable breeders do this testing after the Eurasier has reached adulthood, and prior to breeding, therefore, these health problem tendencies are minimized.

What is the lifespan of a Eurasier?
The average lifespan of a Eurasier is 14 wonderful years.