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Photo Gallery

Photo Submission Instructions

All posted pictures are not to be used without the written consent of the NAEC or the expressed consent of the copyright owner.

Please submit Eurasier picture files to the Webmaster for posting.

Only photos meeting the following requirements will be considered for posting:

  1. Pictures must be of Eurasiers from anywhere in the world.
  2. Files must be digital and in JPEG format.
  3. Pictures must be sized to exactly 400 pixels wide by 300 pixels high. (Landscape orientation only.)
  4. Pictures must not contain any inserted text.
  5. Pictures must be good quality (clear, well-contrasted, etc.).
  6. Submission of pictures is limited to 4 per day and all may be attached to one mailing (no ZIP files please).
  7. Additional information that needs to accompany the request to post:
    1. Submitter's Name
    2. Submitter must state that the picture they are submitting is their picture or is their copyright
    3. Dogs' call names and registered names
    4. Location(s) where the dogs live (e.g., "Brussels, Belgium")
    5. Family name(s) of owner(s) (first name optional, no kennel names accepted)

Pictures submitted meeting these requirements will be posted at the discretion of the Webmaster with a text caption that may include (part or all) of items 7.3, 7.4, 7.5. All photos submitted will only be used in the North American Eurasier Committee Gallery.
